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L. Neil Smith Message Board
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Author Smith's Book Reviews

Forge of the Elders
In the near future, American politicians sell out and go Communist. A century later, in a desperate effort to save the ASSR from total economic collapse, the commissars send two ancient space shuttles to a promising asteroid. The American Soviets aren't the first to get there: the place is already home to many races of aliens, all of whom are capitalist anarchs. Each American must, in his or her turn, decide to be free or choose to remain a slave of t...
Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu
Captain Lando Calrissian, interstellar gambler, travels through space in the Millennium Falcon, to different planets looking for a good game of Sabacc. He wins in a game, a robot, Vuffi Raa, with very unusual abilities. In the Raffa System, the two of them get involved in a tug of war for a mystical object called the Mindharp of Sharu. He is caught trying to outsmart both the ruthless Governor and the sorcerer Rokur Gepta while saving the alien Raffa ...
The American Zone
A terrorist explosion shatters a large building in Laporte, North American Confederacy (the alternate universe Neil introduced in _The Probability Broach_). Win Bear formerly of the Denver PD, and now busy on a copyright infringement investigation (The NAC version of Clark Gable hates _Gone With The Wind_ and wants distribution stopped) must solve the case before certain politically shady groups can revive the Confederacy's almost extinct government. T...
The Nagasaki Vector
Captain Bernie Gruenblum, Texas Jew and time-machine pilot, gets kidnapped by a torture-loving megalomaniatrix and her incompetent subordinates. In the process of escaping, he and the villians get kicked into the same parallel universe as in Smith's earlier novel, THE PROBABILITY BROACH. To recover his stolen flying saucer/timeship, he makes alliance with a talking coyote, a teenaged female gorilla, and other interesting characters, including three smal...

Smith booklist

The Probability Broach
Orb, Dec 2001, 15.95, 315 pp. ISBN: 0765391539 In Denver homicide detective Win Bear begins to feel his age after years on the force dealing with all kinds of vermin. His latest case is the usual chasing a murderer in a country that is totally controlled by the government with killers seemingly the only individualists left. The economy is in the tank and the only thing rising is pollution. Individual freedoms are nearing “zero”. Win ...
The Venus Belt
Win Bear, Our Hero from 'The Probability Broach' is back, heading to the asteroid belt to solve a series of mysterious kidnappings and the (temporary) murder of a friend. Dodging murder attempts by a series of mind-controlled assassinatrices, Win must uncover two disparate conspiracies, the authors of at least one of which want him very dead....
Tom Paine Maru
YD-038 (yes, that's his name and serial number: he pronounces it Whitey O'Thraight)finds himself the sole noncom on an interstellar expedition launched by his rigidly millitaristic society. Poor planning leads to millitary disaster and marooning on a barbaric human colony planet, which only Whitey and his superior, Lieutenant Enson Sermander, survive. A cryptic group of strangers rescues them from prison. After rescue, Whitey finds that he must unlearn...