Dominika Dery Message Board

jane posts on 9/10/2009 6:55:37 PM I am reading The Twelve Little Cakes and so enjoying this delightful read. I bought it while searching for stories about Prague as I will be making my first visit to your city in October of this year. Thank you for your story and I look forward to your next book!
Joan Peterson posts on 8/23/2009 8:57:45 AM Please let me know if there is a list of study questions for "Twelve Little Cakes." Am interested in obtaining one for my book club meeting on Sept 3.
noemi from chicago posts on 8/5/2009 11:08:00 AM dear Dominika ,I loved the book I would like to know more about what happened to your family please write another book.

Marlies H posts on 3/9/2009 9:54:56 AM Twelve Little Cakes- This is a beautifully written book! I too found it at the dollar store and immediately knew that I had found a treasure! I too would love to hear more about what Dominika and her family are doing today. My Mother lived in Czechoslovakia as a child before World War II. "Ptui, Ptui, Ptui" is something she would say, and yes, it was followed by a "slight spit". What a surprise and a sweet memory of my mother to find this mentioned in the book. Thank you for a most enjoyable read! Marlies
Karen & Kathleen Nelson posts on 12/12/2008 9:14:39 AM I am sure that you don't read these messages, but we will write anyway. On a short trip to the local $1 store, Karen--as Karen ALWAYS does--looked for a gift for me, her older sister Kathleen. And right there on the shelf at the back of the store was a dollar copy of The Twelve Little Cakes. As soon as she arrived home she presented me the book. "Look, it's probably terrible but try it out," she said. I was in the middle of a James Lee Burke novel of violence and blood and gore and all that great stuff, so I waited a few days to start those little cakes. But how rich, how vivid, how charming was the story. I love it. Now Karen is reading it and next will be my daughter Megan, who was born with six books in hand and one or two in her head. So love, love, love from the three women in Vancouver, Washington.
Eva Kolarová posts on 6/24/2008 1:02:25 PM Draha Dominiko Dery, o vasi knize jsem se dozvedela, diky recenzi na Britskych listech. Ja studuji profesionalne balet.Jsem z Prahy a studovala jsem tam na Statni tanecni konzervatori.Pak jsem z 4.roc. odjela na studia do Lausanne do skoly Maurice Bejarta a nyni jsem posledni rok v Mnichove na Baletni Akademii.Od zari zacinam v mem prvnim angazma ve Francii v Ballet du Rhin.Moc si chci vasi knihu sehnat a precist.CHtela jsem se vas zeptat, co byste rekla na to, kdyby muj otec s moji pomoci vasi knihu prelozil do cestiny? Nebo je uz i v cestine ? Dekuji vam za vasi odpoved. Jmenuji se Eva Kolarova
Prem Ponka posts on 5/5/2008 12:52:06 PM Mila Dominiko, Myslim, že bych Vam mel o sobe neco rici, nez prijdu se zadosti. Od roku 1945 do roku 1973 jsem zil se svymi rodici v Cernosicich. Po svatbe (1973) jsme zili s moji zenou v Praze, kde se nam narodil syn David. Od roku 1979 zijeme v Kanade. O Vasi knize “Twelve Little Cakes” jsem se dozvedel asi pred pùl rokem a nemohl jsem si nepovsimnout neobycejne pochvalnych kritik. Vcera jsem chtel Vasi knihu koupit Davidovi k jeho dnesnim narozeninám, ale v zadném Montrealskem knihkupectví jsem ji nemohl najít. Knihu jsem tedy objednal a Davidovi jsem o tom samozøejmì dnes rano rekl. A nyni prichazi ma prosba: chtel bych Vas pozadat, abyste knihu Davidovi laskave podepsla. 15. kvìtna priletim do Prahy a 16. kvetna budu v Èernošicích, kde budu mit pozdìji odpoledne schuzku s byvalymi spoluzaky. Od 17. do 24. kvetna budu v Praze, a od 19. kvetna tam bude David se mnou. Byl bych neobycejne rad, kdybych Vas nekdy v teto dobe mohl (mohli, s Davidem) alespon na chvili videt. Doufam, ze mi odpovite S mnoha srdecnymi pozdravy, Premek Ponka
Jeni posts on 4/6/2008 7:15:24 PM Do you have a study guide for "The Twelve Little Cakes," I could use for my book club?
Carolyn posts on 2/21/2008 2:42:48 AM Re Twelve Little Cakes- wonderful book -thank you so much - I hope there is a sequel soon- what happened to your parents, what happened to your sister? What happened to you as you grew up and where did you go with your ballet career? When did you leave your country - where did you go then? Please tell us more.
Albert Carey posts on 8/4/2007 6:27:26 PM Hello Dominika, You have written a very memorable book in THE TWELVE LITTLE CAKES. I found myself behaving friendlier toward strangers, smiling more and accepting strangers more warmly as I read you book. Little Dominika is a very influencial figure it seems, to be able to effect such pleasant behavior changes in people who have only read about her! Of course this is a result of your gifted writing, but you need to understand the power you have. Thank you for a great read and the good feelings that result. Keep writing!
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