Steven-Elliot Altman Message Board

tredinertok posts on 7/11/2007 10:38:45 AM Hi Very interesting information! Thanks! Bye
Steve posts on 11/7/2006 7:21:09 PM Glad you enjoyed it, Matthew. You may find that you'll also enjoy the anthology THE TOUCH, which follows the Depriver Syndrome. It contains stories from some really great writers who I personally admire... not only for how well they contributed to my concept, but predominantly because they selflessly donated all of their proceeds on the book to AIDS and Cancer charities. Thanks again, Steve
Matthew posts on 3/11/2006 5:15:06 PM Steve, Thanks for a really important book. Best book on how judgemental we as humans tend to be.

Note: the views expressed here are only those of the posters.
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