Gary Paulsen Message Board

YOU IMMATURE PEOPLE posts on 10/14/2011 10:08:48 PM Please do not be immature. THIS STORY IS NOT GAY
55123366 posts on 1/14/2011 12:16:02 AM this is so G A Y! and I dont know whjo would read it ####
*%&#@ posts on 2/22/2010 2:26:03 PM You're gay if you said that this book was gay because it is awesome. And gary paulsen should be proud of this book. i loved it. so shutup and stop saying that this book is gay. everybody that said this book is gay are morons, nimrods, stupid, and dumb.

nonamer posts on 2/14/2010 10:02:19 PM all you guys are wierd and gay
dark writer posts on 1/8/2010 4:24:36 PM I think that gary should have brian be on a ship crash in summer with someone and they stay alive together with packs like in brians winter
edward posts on 12/7/2009 7:38:03 PM hatchet was such a great book!how was it gay serouisly!
Female 15 years old posts on 10/21/2009 9:33:01 PM This book is NOT GAY!!! It tells a real life war experience about a young 15 year-old boy who was brave enough to put himself on the front line!! Even though him being innocent-minded of the experience he thought to be fun: he grew up which is more than what you "anonymous" people would ever do!!He was BRAVE!!
Anonymous posts on 9/10/2009 5:11:56 PM this book is way GAY, u r a fag if u read it
Alyssa Jamerson posts on 4/17/2009 7:46:34 PM wow this book uas the best i loved just like i love davis
Anonymous posts on 1/30/2009 3:29:55 PM I agree w/"yourmoM", Hachet is Homo
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