Richard La Plante Message Board

Ed Hanes posts on 12/16/2006 8:37:01 PM As a Harley owner and avid biker, I enjoyed both of Richard's biker books. Once I started reading Hog Fever I couldn’t put it down. Two days later I was back at the book store buying Detour. It was so easy to relate to the events in both of these books. I highly recommend them to anyone with an interest in Motorcycles.
posts on 6/17/2006 4:58:38 AM Does someone know what Richard does at this moment ? Rene HOLLAND
posts on 4/13/2006 10:05:58 AM My partner and I, want to know if everything is ok. with Richard,his wife and his 2 boys.We are very worried about them. for almost 2 years. and no one can tell us anything. my partner e-mailed with Richard for already 2 a 3 years. Please is there anyone who can tell something. Many thanks in advance. Cynthia and René from HOLLAND.

Deb posts on 2/5/2006 2:10:44 PM hi lucia soul warrior is the 1st in the tegne series warlord of zendow is 2nd & the killing blow is the last hope this is helpful.
Lucia posts on 6/26/2005 12:44:41 AM Hi, Just wondering about the Tegne books. I have read Th first one warlord of zendow and the second one the killing blow. But I was wondering if there is a third book and what it is called? I have had a look online and seen there is one called the Soul Warrior but when I read the blurb about the book its seems to be about the first book.. Im dying to know if there is a final book to this series. Thanks!

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